Indian Idol, one of the longest-running singing reality shows on Indian television, is presently in its 14th season, but things have taken an unusual turn as Amit Sana, the first-season runner-up, has leveled serious claims against the channel and the show’s winner, Abhijeet Sawant. Amit claims that the show’s producers purposely disabled his voting lines just two days before the finale, ostensibly to assure Abhijeet’s triumph.
In response to Sana’s claim, Abhijeet Sawant called him ‘naive’ in an interview with News 18 Showsha. This exchange of allegations adds a dramatic dimension to the story of Indian Idol’s early seasons.
What Abhijeet Sawant Thought About Amit Sana’s Allegations
“He is extremely naive.” I’ve attended numerous competitions. You can lose a competition for a variety of reasons. It is more than one thing. He should not forget that he came in second place. “We weren’t the only talented boys on the show; there were a lot of other talented people in that competition,” Abhijeet Sawant told News 18.
Sawant also recalled an earlier occasion in which a magazine ran a photo of him with the headline, ‘The performance is rigged.’ In reaction to the continuous squabbles, the Indian Idol 1 winner stated that such debates are typical and that “such things keep happening.”
He emphasized that as show participants, they should focus on the positive elements and what they learned from the experience rather than lingering on controversy or regrets about perceived wrongdoings.
14th season of Indian Idol
The judging panel for the 14th season of ‘Indian Idol’ includes Shreya Ghoshal, Kumar Sanu, and Vishal Dadlani. Hussain Kuwajerwala is back as the host this season, making a remarkable comeback after an eight-year absence. Abhijeet Sawant also appeared on Indian Idol Season 14 and was spotted crying on his return.
“I want to extend my gratitude and pay respect to this platform,” Abhijeet said of the situation. Thank you, Indian Idol; I feel at home now. And you, Sanu Da, are my greatest idol. I’ve been learning your songs and singing like you since I first started singing. Thank you for being my inspiration and shaping me into the vocalist I am today.”