By : Shrishti Mehra

PM Modi declared on Sunday that the Congress intends to disperse gold and hard-earned money to “infiltrators”.

Congress leader Shashi Tharoor slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday for making a “nakedly communal appeal” by claiming that Congress will share wealth to Muslims.

In Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram constituency, Tharoor is running for Lok Sabah, and he claims that “any civilised” Election Commission would not allow or warn the candidate for making such remarks.

“The Prime Minister gave a speech that is incredibly shameful. People are beginning to understand that his claims that the Congress party will seize all of your wealth and donate it to Muslims are nothing more than crude appeals to the communal consciousness. According to Tharoor, the news source ANI, “It is just not decent.”

Tharoor expressed his “true disappointment” with PM Modi’s speech, saying, “Mr. Modi keeps accusing the Congress party of ruling the nation for 65 years. Have we donated wealth to the Muslim community and taken it from others? How is the Prime Minister able to speak in such a manner?

What exactly did Prime Minister Modi say?

On Sunday, Prime Minister Modi announced that the Congress intended to provide hard-earned money and gold to “infiltrators” and “those who have more children” during an electoral rally in Rajasthan. He asked the assembly whether they believed that the old party could “take their hard-earned property” and that this was “acceptable.”

The Congress manifesto states that it will gather information, compute the gold with mothers and sisters, and then share that property. They’ll give it to the following person: Muslims have the first claim to the nation’s resources, according to the government of Manmohan Singh, Modi remarked.

He went on, “The Congress government has previously stated that Muslims have the first claim to the nation’s resources. In other words, who will receive this property? It will be divided up among people with more kids.It is going to be given to the spies.

The Congress countered that it just supports a “comprehensive socio-economic caste census” and made no mention of “redistribution” in its agenda.

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